
Discover+ Opportunities: Research Journals

December 12, 2023

In the college admissions process, students strive to differentiate themselves, and what better way to stand out from the crowd than by showcasing your passion for academic inquiry and research? In this blog post, we explore a unique avenue for high school students to bolster their college applications—submitting articles to academic journals. We delve into ten reputable journals specifically designed for young scholars, providing insights into the submission process, the types of contributions accepted, and the invaluable experience gained from sharing your work with the wider academic community.

Discover+, AtomicMind‘s free online catalog of impactful extracurricular opportunities, was developed based on years of experience assisting students in discovering and participating in a diverse range of enriching activities, including submitting articles to prestigious academic journals. Feel free to contact us for guidance in selecting and submitting to a journal whose focus aligns with your passions and goals.

International Journal of High School Research (IJHSR)

The International Journal of High School Research is a leading high school research journal with global reach. All manuscripts published by IJHSR are internationally indexed by EBSCO, ensuring accessibility in libraries worldwide. The journal is dedicated to showcasing high-quality high school student research across diverse scientific fields, including behavioral and social sciences, technology, engineering, and math. IJHSR publishes six issues annually and accepts both original research and literature review articles. Research articles should present new experimental data with an emphasis on originality, while literature reviews should critically evaluate existing research on a topic without presenting new experimental results.

Journal of Emerging Investigators (JEI)

The Journal of Emerging Investigators, which serves as both a science journal and mentorship program, is dedicated to publishing research by middle and high school scientists. JEI connects student authors with PhD candidates and advanced investigators in university research laboratories, offering a valuable mentorship experience. The publication emphasizes hypothesis-driven research in various subjects, including life sciences, physics, chemistry, health, psychology, physiology, engineering, and mathematics. Submissions must have at least two authors, including one or more student authors and a senior author, who can be a teacher, college professor, postdoctoral fellow, or graduate student. JEI not only provides a platform for young scientists to showcase their work but also emphasizes learning the scientific method, honing communication skills, and gaining recognition as emerging scientists.

Journal of High School Science (JHSS)

The Journal of High School Science is a peer-reviewed STEAM journal dedicated to publishing the research of high school students. The journal seeks to contribute to and enhance the existing body of knowledge, with a preference for quantifiable content that improves, expands, and thoughtfully speculates within various disciplines. JHSS accepts submissions from students in grades nine through twelve across a broad spectrum of subjects, including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, technology, sociology, economics, political science, music, dance, and theater.

Journal of Research High School (JRHS)

The Journal of Research High School is an online research journal dedicated to publishing academic work from high school researchers. Functioning as a platform for the future scientific community, JRHS provides high school students with an opportunity to showcase their research and writing skills. The publication serves as a stepping stone for high school authors, aiming to cultivate advanced research skills early in their academic journeys. The journal welcomes original research and rigorous literature reviews in various fields, including engineering, humanities, natural science, mathematics, and social science. Submission requires the guidance of a research advisor, such as a teacher, college professor, or industry professional.

Journal of Student Research - High School Edition (JSR)

The Journal of Student Research is an academic, multidisciplinary, faculty-reviewed journal dedicated to disseminating current research from high school, undergraduate, and graduate students. Emphasizing novelty, integration, and accessibility to a diverse audience, JSR welcomes various types of submissions, including AP research articles, IB articles, review articles, and research posters. Aspiring authors receive scholarly feedback upon submission, aiding in the identification of areas for improvement and enhancing their understanding of the publication process. JSR provides a global platform for authors to showcase their work.

STEM Fellowship Journal (SFJ)

The STEM Fellowship Journal is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing research conducted by high-school and undergraduate students in the STEM fields. The journal offers a platform for young authors to undergo a thorough evaluation process, with their work first assessed by a team of associate editors and then subjected to critical examination by peer reviewers for potential publication. SFJ encourages submissions from all STEM disciplines, including original investigations, which may involve experimental data or collected information reporting novel results. Additionally, the journal accepts review articles that offer a comprehensive critical review of a specific area of study, viewpoint articles addressing important or controversial issues within STEM, and conference proceedings featuring abstracts from presentations, posters, and seminars.

The Columbia Junior Science Journal (CJSJ)

Established in 2006 by Columbia University undergraduates, The Columbia Junior Science Journal is a peer-reviewed scientific outlet exclusively for high school students. Published biannually, the journal features original research articles, review papers, and scientific commentary across diverse disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, computer science, and engineering. CJSJ is managed by high school students, who serve as editors, reviewers, and members of the editorial board, offering a unique opportunity for hands-on experience in scientific publishing. The journal invites one- to two-page original research papers or two- to five-page review articles, providing a platform for young researchers to showcase their work and communicate with the broader scientific community and fostering the development of technical and communication skills crucial for their future endeavors.

The Concord Review

Founded in 1987, The Concord Review is dedicated to recognizing and publishing exemplary history essays by high school students. Since its inception, the journal has published over 1,000 research papers authored by students from 46 states and 41 other countries. The journal operates on a rolling admissions basis, accepting essays from students worldwide, regardless of nationality, as long as they are written in English. As the sole international quarterly academic journal of its kind, The Concord Review provides a unique platform for high school students from around the globe to contribute to the academic discourse in history.

The National High School Journal of Science (NHSJS)

The National High School Journal of Science is a student-managed, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research papers and scientific articles authored by high school students from around the world. In addition to providing a platform for disseminating research, NHSJS serves as a forum for high school students to share their perspectives and experiences in science. The journal accepts submissions throughout the year and welcomes various types of contributions, including original research papers presenting significant findings, short articles detailing developments in ongoing research or new advances, policy articles addressing science-related public policy implications, media reviews, technical comments on previously published papers, and letters discussing material published in NHSJS or addressing general scientific topics.

Vanderbilt University’s Young Scientist - A High School Research Journal

Young Scientist, a publication by the Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach, is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to recognizing the accomplishments of high school scientists. The Vanderbilt Center for Science Outreach is committed to advancing scientific and technological literacy through unique partnerships between Vanderbilt University scientists, K-12 educators and students, and the broader scientific community. The journal emphasizes clarity in communication, with abstracts and introductions crafted for a general audience, followed by more technical sections such as methods, results, and discussions tailored for individuals familiar with scientific research.