
How to Choose a College Major

October 30, 2023
College Majors

Choosing a college major can be a daunting task, especially given the multitude of options available to students today. With so many majors to choose from—from common ones like computer science, molecular biology, and comparative literature to not-so-common ones like puppet arts, viticulture, and Assyriology—it can be challenging to determine which one will be the best fit for your interests, skills, and aspirations, both academic and professional. However, by taking the time to consider several key factors and take several important steps, you can make an informed decision that will help set you on the path to a fulfilling and successful future.

Evaluate your interests and passions

One of the most important steps in choosing a college major is to assess your interests and passions. By doing so, you will increase the likelihood that you will stick with your chosen field of study and graduate on time, as well as make your college experience much more enjoyable. Ask yourself what subjects you are drawn to and what activities you enjoy doing in your free time. These can provide valuable clues as to which major may be the right fit for you.

This type of self-assessment is a crucial step in the process of choosing your major because you want to be sure to focus your academic efforts on a subject that aligns with the topics and causes about which you are passionate. For instance, if you have a passion for art, design, and other creative visual pursuits, you may want to consider majors such as fine arts, graphic design, or architecture. If you have a strong interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), you may want to consider majors such as chemistry, engineering, physics, and biology. If you are interested in understanding human behavior, society, and the world, you may want to consider majors such as psychology, sociology, political science, and economics. If you are fascinated by subjects like literature, history, and philosophy, you may wish to consider majors such as English, history, philosophy, and classics. If you are excited about the study of finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, and management, you may consider majors such as economics, accounting, and marketing. If you have a passion for teaching and working with children or young adults, you may want to consider majors in the education field. If you are captivated by issues involving the natural world and the environment, you may want to consider majors like environmental science, ecology, and geology. By matching your major to your interests in this way, you will maximize your chances of choosing the best major for you.

Recall your childhood pursuits and hobbies

One of the best ways to assess your interests and passions in the process of choosing your college major is to recall your childhood pursuits and hobbies. What did you enjoy doing in your free time while you were growing up? What did you spend hours reading about or playing with? These activities and interests can provide valuable clues as to what you are passionate about and what you might enjoy pursuing as a major and, in the longer term, as a career. For example, if you spent hours as a child playing with Legos, you may want to consider a major in architecture or engineering. If you were an avid reader of mystery novels, you may want to consider a major in criminal justice or forensics. If you spent lots of time digging holes in the ground to see what you discovered, then perhaps majoring in geology or paleontology would be a good choice for you. So get in touch with your inner child and see what they have to say about what your academic focus should be.

Consider your strengths and weaknesses

In addition to assessing your interests and passions, it is also crucial to consider your strengths and weaknesses so you can choose a major that will allow you to utilize your strengths while also providing opportunities for you to develop skills in areas in which you may need improvement. This will ensure that you will be well-equipped to succeed in your desired career field. Take inventory of your skills and traits, perhaps taking a personality assessment or career assessment test, in order to determine which majors may be a good fit for you.

Participate in a structured self-discovery program

For those students who want to engage in an even deeper self-assessment in preparation for choosing a college major, there are many structured self-discovery programs available that can help you better understand your interests, skills, and values. These programs can take the form of retreats, workshops, or online courses and can provide valuable guidance and support as you navigate the college major decision-making process. They can help you identify your passions, develop your leadership skills, and build a network of like-minded individuals.

Research potential careers

Before choosing a college major, it is important to research potential careers that align with your interests and skills. This will help you to understand the job market for your desired career field, as well as the educational requirements for various positions. You can research potential careers through online resources, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook, as well as by speaking with professionals in the field or connecting with alumni from the majors you are considering. AtomicMind also has considerable experience helping students choose their college major based on their professional aspirations. Consider your future goals and make sure that the major you choose will lead to a career that can help take you where you would like to be ten, twenty, or more years after graduating.

Seek mentors

Seeking mentors can be a valuable way to learn about different careers and make informed decisions about your future. Find someone who is working in the field in which you are interested and reach out to them. Oftentimes, they will be able to provide you with valuable insights and guidance about the industry and help you understand what it takes to succeed. In addition, a mentor can also provide you with a valuable network of contacts and support as you navigate your career path.

Take a gap year

Taking a gap year can provide valuable perspective and help you better understand your interests, goals, and aspirations. During this time, you can explore different career fields, take on new challenges, and travel. This can give you a better understanding of what you enjoy doing and what you may want to pursue as a career. Additionally, taking a gap year can also help you gain new skills and experiences and make you a more competitive candidate when you apply for jobs in the future.

Seek advice from teachers, professors, and academic advisors

Your teachers, professors, and academic advisors can be a valuable resource when choosing a college major. They can provide you with insights into different majors and help you understand the courses, projects, and internships that you will be expected to complete. They can also provide you with information about the job prospects for graduates of each major and can answer any questions that you may have about the college and career experience. Take advantage of their expertise and ask for their advice and guidance.

Try out different majors through elective courses

If you are unsure about which major to choose, you can try out different academic subjects by enrolling in a variety of elective courses. This will allow you to explore different fields and determine what you enjoy doing and what you may want to pursue as a career. Additionally, taking elective courses can also help you develop new skills and make you a more well-rounded individual—something that many students and advisors see as one of the main goals of a college education.

Consider the curriculum and resources offered by the school

Another important factor to consider when choosing a college major is the curriculum and resources offered by the school that you attend or are planning to attend. Different schools offer varying degrees of support and resources for different majors, and it is important to find a school that will provide you with the resources and support that you need to succeed. Research the curriculum and resources offered by the school and make sure that they align with your goals and interests. Consider the availability of internships, research opportunities, and other practical experience in your desired field.

Choosing a college major is a major (pun intended) decision that requires careful consideration and research. By taking the time to assess your interests, skills, and future goals, by taking a variety of courses, and by speaking with teachers, professors, and academic advisors, you can make an informed decision that will set you on the path to a successful and fulfilling future. At AtomicMind, we are well-equipped to guide you in the process of choosing a major. Get in touch with us for a free consultation.